NVIC Vaccine News

Measles Truth & Consequences

By Barbara Loe Fisher
Published February 29, 2024 in Infectious Diseases & Vaccines

Whenever the Public Health Empire gets worried that people are losing their fear of contagion, suddenly cases of an infectious disease pop up and we are told that unless everyone gets vaccinated, death is only a sneeze at the check-out counter or a plane ride away. For a long time, but especially over the past decade, the contagious disease selected for this “sky is falling” hype is measles.

After the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a COVID pandemic in early 2020, governments health officals shut down society. We were ordered to hide in our homes or mask up and stay away from each other when entering public spaces, while we waited for experimental COVID vaccines to be fast tracked and, then, mandated. 1 2 When there was a surge in measles cases in highly vaccinated populations it didn’t take long for the Vaccinators to put the blame on what they called “misinformation” about mRNA COVID shots, 3 which they said fueled “vaccine hesitancy,” especially among parents.4 5

There has been no constructive self-reflection by government health officials and their vaccine industry partners examining the possibility that the public, especially parents of young children, have rational reasons for being concerned. Instead, yet another knee- jerk “it’s the fault of the anti-vaxxers” campaign has been trotted out. 6 They don’t want to talk about even more evidence being published in the medical literature that measles vaccine antibodies are waning among highly vaccinated young adults while senior citizens, who have lifelong natural immunity to measles, are dying and no longer protecting society. 7 8

Clearly, the Public Health Empire is incapable of being honest with the public about why measles is still circulating in populations maintaining very high measles vaccination rates since the late 20th century. 9

In December 2023, the World Health Organization announced there had been a 30-fold rise in measles cases in Europe in 2023 and blamed “backsliding” in maintenance of MMR vaccination rates among children.10 11 United Nations officials insist that all countries must maintain at least a 95 percent MMR vaccine coverage rate to eradicate measles from the earth. 12

U.S. Finds Measles Cases and FDA Officials Blame “Vaccine Misinformation”

MisinformationBy mid-January 2024, measles cases had been identified in Pennsylvania and several other states, 13 14 15 while the United Kingdom sounded a “national health incident” alarm and called on parents to vaccinate their children. 16 The response by top U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials has been to allege that deteriorating acceptance of vaccines in the U.S. is due to a “large volume of “vaccine misinformation” that has “already resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths from COVID-19” and is responsible for measles outbreaks. 17 Even though measles vaccination rates among children in the U.S. have been hovering between 93 and 95 percent for decades, 18 19 the Vaccinators are pointing fingers at Americans they accuse of holding “fringe, anti-science views,” who have “persuaded legislators and the courts to more easily allow children to enter kindergarten without vaccines, citing religious, spiritual or philosophical beliefs.”20 21

And of course, there is more whining about social media platforms needing to completely block online conversations about vaccination that do not conform with government narratives about vaccine safety and effectiveness.22 23 24 In a special report submitted in November 2023 to the US Judiciary Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, I wrote about the global censorship campaign outlawing freedom of speech about vaccination that has been orchestrated and promoted at the highest levels of governments and by corporate, academic, financial, philanthropic, and other institutions. 25

Senior Citizens Have Robust Natural Measles Immunity to Protect Them


Now, once again, the public is being told that there is only one way to stop measles from rolling out across the country: It is time for to make sure that everyone has gotten two doses of MMR vaccine, especially young children. Well, maybe not every person. If you were born before 1957, public health officials know that you were exposed to wild type measles as a child and it’s highly likely you have a robust type of natural immunity that still protects you. 26 27 Even so, some Vaccinators are starting to beat the drum for every adult – no matter how old you are - to immediately get another MMR shot.28

The message from government health officials developing, licensing, promoting and mandating vaccines has not changed in over a century: More is always better. You can never get too many vaccines in your lifetime, so just ignore the fact that every time you get vaccinated, you take the risk that your immune system will be crippled, 29 30 or your brain will be damaged, 31 32 33 34 or you will still get the infection the vaccine was supposed to prevent. 35 36 37 38  In the name of the greater good of society, you must take the risk and your child must take the risk or be punished for refusing to comply. 39 40 41

Measles is a formerly common childhood disease that I and most American children in the post-World War II baby boomer generation got by the time we were teenagers. 42 The vast majority of us recovered from measles without a problem, along with recovering from mumps and chicken pox and influenza and a whole host of other infections that are now considered politically incorrect to get – unless, of course, you have been vaccinated but still get sick with the infection the vaccine was supposed to prevent. 43 44 45

Young adultsHighly Vaccinated Children and Young Adults Are Crippled by Chronic Inflammation Today

When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s, the childhood experience was very different. Most children in the U.S. were much healthier back then, even though we only got a few vaccines like tetanus and polio, 46 47 not 72 doses of 17 different vaccines starting on the day of birth like children are given today. 48 Our immune systems and brains were functioning normally because our health was not compromised by chronic inflammation in the body that plagues highly vaccinated children and young adults in the 21st century, 49 with 40 percent of children in the U.S. now diagnosed with at least one chronic illness or disability, 50 51 including:

  • one child in struggling with developmental delays 52 like learning disabilities, ADHD 53 and autism; 54

  • one in suffering with allergies; 55

  • one in becoming obese56

  • nearly one in 10 developing asthma;

  • one in 166 epileptic,57 and

  • one in 285 diabetic.58

More than 50 percent of young highly vaccinated young adults aged 18 to 34 years old in America are sick with at least one chronic disease or disability, and 25 percent have two or more chronic poor health conditions. 59

Vaccinated Persons Can Be Infected and Asymptomatic

For propaganda purposes, the Public Health Empire now divides Americans into two classes:

  1. unvaccinated persons described as “ignorant” 60 61 and “selfish” 62 domestic “threat actors,” 63 who are treated like criminals if they get symptoms of infection; 64 65 and

  2. fully compliant vaccinated persons described as “intelligent” 66 67 and “altruistic,” 68 who are either conveniently ignored or treated like patriots if they get symptoms of infection.

When it comes to measles – and potentially certain other pathogenic microbes like B. pertussis that cause symptoms of illness and for which “vaccines” are mandated – there is a larger question that never gets answered:

How many vaccinated persons are being infected but show few or no symptoms and are never diagnosed or reported - but are still transmitting infection to both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons? 69 70 71

People have been taught to believe that vaccines prevent infection and transmission of infectious disease, so it is a perfectly logical question to ask, especially when the force of law is put behind vaccine use policies.

Looking at mRNA COVID shots, that question has been answered. The mRNA COVID “vaccines” were released under an FDA-approved Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in December 2020 with full knowledge by government officials that the product had not been proven to prevent infection with and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. They knew the COVID shots were only designed to reduce severe COVID disease symptoms. 72

If a vaccinated person is infected and is mildly symptomatic or has no disease symptoms at all, in the vast majority of cases there is no diagnosis or infectious disease report made to the government.

To put it another way, ask yourself: if you or your child get a low grade fever, runny nose, cough or rash – do you run to the doctor and get tested for pertussis or measles?

The Science and Politics of Eradicating Measles

So what is going on with measles? In 2019 I wrote a special report “The Science and

Politics of Eradicating Measles” anchored with over 170 live linked references. 73 It tells the truth about the history of measles morbidity and mortality and development of the live virus measles vaccine, which is currently given in two doses to children at 12 to 15 months and between four to six years old in the combined measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) shot. 74

While most of the public discussion around about MMR vaccine in the past few decades has focused on whether or not it causes autism – even as the vaccine has been confirmed to cause brain inflammation and seizures, 75 76 77 and a bleeding disorder, 78 and also vaccine strain measles infection 79 - my report focuses on why, after more than a half century of measles vaccination campaigns, the microbe has evaded attempts to eradicate it with more and more vaccination. My report explains why public health officials and the media were able to create mass hysteria in 2015 after a few measles cases were reported at California’s iconic Disneyland, 80 and again in 2019 when measles cases were found in a New York city orthodox Jewish community among unvaccinated school children. 81

Mickey Mouse and MinnieThe 2015 measles at Disneyland story served as a catalyst for a massive, multi-million dollar mandatory vaccination campaign led by the Pharma-Medical Trade-Government lobby. 82 It culminated in California losing the personal belief vaccine exemption for children attending public and private schools. 83

The 2019 measles outbreak in New York City led to repeal of the state’s religious exemption to vaccination. 84 It culminated in congressional hearings, where individuals and organizations like NVIC were accused of disseminating “misinformation” on social media contributing to “vaccine hesitancy” that caused measles outbreaks. 85

Measles fear mongering campaigns scapegoating parents in 2015 and 2019 had two goals: (1) eliminating the legal right to voluntary, informed consent to vaccination and

(2) eliminating freedom of speech about vaccination.

75 More Years of Global Mandatory Vaccination Campaigns To Eradicate Measles by the Year 2100

Now the Public Health Empire has set a new goal to eradicate measles from the earth by the year 2100. 86 They are going to conduct 75 more years of mandatory measles vaccination campaigns in the obsessive quest to do that. Only this question remains: Are the people going to go along with it?

So what is the truth about measles and measles vaccine?

  • Is the death rate for measles in the 21st century in developed countries like the

    U.S. really 1 to 2 in 1,000 infected persons, 87 and was it that high before the measles vaccine was licensed in 1963 and MMR vaccine was mandated for all children in the mid-20th century?

  • Is it true that newborn infants born to vaccinated mothers today no longer get maternal measles antibodies from their mothers to protect them in the first year of life, so babies are now susceptible to measles from birth?

  • Is there a difference between naturally acquired measles immunity and vaccine acquired immunity and can you get measles with or without symptoms?

  • Are there more measles cases being reported today in part because aging baby boomers with robust natural measles immunity are dying, which is removing protective measles herd immunity in populations around the world?

  • If past is prologue, does the history of mandatory measles vaccination laws serve as a warning about the consequences of other mass, mandatory vaccination programs?

Watch, Listen or Read at NVIC.org to Learn More and Act To Protect Your informed Consent Rights

Please watch, listen to, or read my timeless 2019 referenced report on “The Science and Politics of Eradicating Measles” following this commentary, and let me know what you think by posting a comment on NVIC.org.

You can also watch or listen to a groundbreaking interview I had with Del Bigtree on “Highwire” revealing the truth about what happened after Congress passed the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.

Bottom line: The latest measles hype and blame game looks like all the others that have scapegoated parents for failing one-size-fits-all public health policies. It is another attempt by the Public Health Empire to create fear and take away your right to make a voluntary decision about how you and your family want to stay well so you can be punished if you decline one or more government recommended vaccines for yourself or your minor child.

You can learn how to be an effective vaccine freedom advocate by signing up to use our free communications network at NVICAdvocacy.org and working to protect vaccine informed consent rights in your state. You can help NVIC educate millions of Americans about the need to prevent vaccine injuries and deaths by making a donation to NVIC.

Before you take a risk, find out what it is - and then tell everyone you know. It’s your health, your family, your choice.

And our mission continues. No forced vaccination. Not in America.



1 Fisher BL. Unprecedented Response to COVID-19 by Governments Prohibits Physical Contact and Cripples World Economy. National Vaccine Information Center Mar. 29, 2020.

2 Fisher BL. Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game. National Vaccine Information Center Sept. 22, 2021.

Panday A, Galvani AP. Exacerbation of measles mortality by vaccine hesitancy worldwide. The Lancet 2023; 11(4).

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Panday A, Galvani AP. Exacerbation of measles mortality by vaccine hesitancy worldwide. The Lancet 2023; 11(4).

6 Cohen J. Measles Outbreaks in England and the U.S. Expand. Forbes Jan. 23. 2024.

Castineiras ACP, Sales AC, Picone CDM et al. The decline of measles antibody titers in previously vaccinated adults: a cross sectional analysis. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 2024; 66.

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9 Quach HQ, Ovsyannikova IG, Grill DE et al. Seroprevalence of Measles Antibodies in a Highly MMR-Vaccinated Population. Vaccines 2022; 10 (1859).

10 World Health Organization. A 30-fold rise of measles cases in 2023 in the WHO European Region warrants urgent action. Dec. 14. 2023.

11 World Health Organization. Alarming Rise of Measles Cases in Europe. Jan. 24, 2024.

12 World Health Organization. Measles and Rubella Elimination. December 2021.

13 6ABC. Philadelphia health officials notify residents of possible measles exposure. Dec. 24, 2023.

14 Johnson SR. Measles Outbreaks Remain a Threat in U.S., Globally. US News & World Report Jan. 16, 2024.

15 Oliviero H, Lamm S. CDC issues alert as measles cases pop up in Georgia and other states. Atlanta Journal Constitution Feb. 1. 2024.

16 Abdul G. Surge in measles cases prompts UK to declare national health incident. The Guardian Jan. 19, 2024.

17 Marks P, Califf R. Is Vaccination Approaching a Dangerous Tipping Point? JAMA Jan. 5. 2024.

18 Hinman A, Orenstein WA, Schuchat A. Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, Immunizations, and MMWR – 1961-2011. 1961-1988: Establishment of a Nationwide Immunization Program. MMWR Oct. 7, 2011. 60(04): 49-57.

19 Seither R, Yusuf OB, Dramann D et al. Coverage with Selected Vaccines and Exemptions from School Vaccine Requirements Among Children in Kindergarten  United States, 2022-23 School Year. MMWR Nov. 10, 2023; 72(45).

20 Hotez PJ. Will anti-vaccine activists in the USA reverse global goals? Nat Rev Immunol 2022; 22(9): 525-526.

21 Maxmen A. How fringe anti-science views infiltrated mainstream politics – and what it means in 2024. KFF News/CBS Jan. 18, 2024.

22 Ruggeri K, Vanderslott S, Yamada Y et al. Behavioral interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy driven by misinformation on social media. BMJ 2024; 4:384.

23 Das S. “No no no. Avoid them all’: anti-vaccine conspiracies spread as UK cases of measles increase. The Guardian Nov. 23, 2023.

24 Correa G. How misinformation is fuelling the global measles crisis. GAVI Jan. 26, 2024.

25 Fisher BL. Blacklisting and Censorship Violates Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience. (Download report The Silencing of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine information Center in the Digital Public Square: A Violation of Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience here.) National Vaccine Information Center Nov. 1, 2023.

26 CDC. Who Does Not Need MMR Vaccine? Jan. 25, 2021.

27 Bianchi FP, Mascipinto S, Stefanizzi P et al. Long-term immunogenicity after measles vaccine vs. wild infection: an Italian retrospective cohort study. Hum Vaccines Immunother 2021; 17I7): 2078-2084.

28 Gatherer D. Measles is the most infectious disease known to science – adults should consider getting another MMR vaccine. The Conversation Jan. 19, 2023.

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32 Weibel RE, Casserta V, Benor DE, Evans G. Acute Encephalopathy Followed by Permanent Brain Injury or Death Associated with Further Attenuated Measles Vaccine: A Review of Claims Submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Pediatrics 1998; 101(3): 383-388.

33 Mansour K, Chadli Z, Ghachem I et al. Seronegative acute encephalitis following COVID-19 vaccines: a case series of an overlooked diagnosis with literature review. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2023; 79: 975-987.

34 Health Resources Services Administration. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program Vaccine Injury Table. Jan. 3, 2022.

35 Glass K., Grenfell BT. Waning immunity and subclinical measles infections in England. Vaccine 2004; 22(29-30): 4110-4116.

36 Fisher BL. Pertussis Microbe Outsmarts the Vaccine as Experts Argue About Why.

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37 Franco-Paredes C. Transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 among fully vaccinated individuals. The Lancet 2022; 22 (1):16.

38 Van Egeren D, Stoddard M, White LF et al. Vaccines Alone Cannot Slow the Evolution of SARS-CoV-2. Vaccines 2023; 11(853).

39 Kayem J. Anti-vaxxers are dangerous. Make them face isolation, fines, arrests.

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40 Caplan A. It’s Okay for Docs to Refuse to Treat Unvaccinated Patients. Medscape

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41 O’Grady S. Want to get rid of measles? Make the vaccine compulsory for kids. The Independent Jan. 22. 2024.

42 Wharton M. Measles Elimination in the United States. J Infect Dis 2004; 189 (Suppl 1): 51-53.

43 Hiebert J, Saboul M, Fronst JR et al. Mumps resurgence in a highly vaccinated population: Insights gained from surveillance in Canada, 2002-2020. Vaccine 2023; 41(25): 3728-3739.

44 Vasquez M, LaRussa PS, Gershon AA et al. Effectiveness Over Time of Varicella Vaccine. JAMA 2004; 291(7): 851-855.

45 CDC. Seasonal Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Studies. Aug. 24 2023.

46 Immunization Action Coalition. Vaccine History Timeline. Jan. 17, 2024.

47 Hinman A, Orenstein WA, Schuchat A. Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, Immunizations, and MMWR – 1961-2011. 1961-1988: Establishment of a Nationwide Immunization Program. MMWR Oct. 7, 2011. 60(04): 49-57.

48 CDC. Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule by Age: Recommendations of Ages 18 Years or Younger, United States, 2024. Nov. 16, 2023.

49 Furman D, Campisi J, Verdin E et al. Chronic inflammation in the etiology of disease across the life span. Nature Medicine 2019; 25: 1822-1832.

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51 Zablotsky B, Black LI, Maenner MJ et al. Prevalence and Trends of Developmental Disabilities among Children in the US: 2009–2017. Pediatrics. 2019; 144(4).

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55 CDC. More Than a Quarter of U.S. Adults and Children Have at Least One Allergy. Jan. 26, 2023.

56 CDC. Childhood Obesity Facts. May 27, 2022.

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62 Caplan A. Stigma, Vaccination and Moral Accountability. The Lancet 2022; 399(10325): 626-627.

63 Fisher BL. Department of Homeland Security, FBI and Big Business Point to “Threat Actors” on Social Media Spreading “Disinformation” (Pgs. 34-35) .In: The Silencing of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center in the Digital Public Square: A Violation of Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience. National Vaccine Information Center Nov. 1, 2023.

64 Bor A, Jergensen F, Petersen MB. Discriminatory attitudes against unvaccinated people during the pandemic. Nature 2023; 613: 704-711.

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72 Singanayagam , Hakki S, Dunning J, Madon KJ. Community transmission and viral load kinetics of the SARS-CoV-2 delta (B.1.617.2) variant in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals in the UK: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study. The Lancet Oct. 29. 2021.

73 Fisher BL. The Science and Politics of Eradicating Measles. National Vaccine Information Center Spring 2019.

74 CDC. Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine: What Everyone Should Know. Jan. 26, 2021.

75 Israeli E, Agmon-Levin N, Blank M et al. Guillain-Barre Syndrome – A Classical Autoimmune Disease Triggered by Infection or Vaccination. Clinic Rev Immunol 2012; 42:121-130.

76 Deng L, Wood J, Danchin M. Seizures following vaccination in children. AJGP 2020; 49(10): 644-649.

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79 Mansour K, Chadli Z, Ghachem I et al. Seronegative acute encephalitis following COVID-19 vaccines: a case series of an overlooked diagnosis with literature review. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2023; 79: 975-987.

80 Fisher BL. Measles in Disneyland: Third MMR Shot and Vaccine Exemption Ban?

National Vaccine Information Center Jan. 28, 2015.

81 Fisher BL. NY Judge Halts Action by Rockland County Exec Banning Unvaccinated Kids from Public Spaces. The Vaccine Reaction Apr. 10, 2019.

82 Fisher BL. Immunization Action Coalition and Vaccinate California (Pgs. 25-28). In: The Silencing of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center: A Violation of Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience. National Vaccine Information Center Nov. 1, 2023.

83 Richardson D. The Fallout from SB277: What Happens Next? National Vaccine Information Center Aug. 5, 2015.

84 National Vaccine Information Center. New York Bill Removing Religious Vaccine Exemption turned Into Law on One Day with No Public Hearings. The Vaccine Reaction June 14, 2019.

85 Fisher BL. Congressional Hearings and Warnings Sent to Owners of Social Media Platforms to Remove “anti-vaccine content.” (Pg. 29). In: The Silencing of Barbara Loe Fisher and the National Vaccine Information Center: A Violation of Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience. National Vaccine Information Center Nov. 1, 2023.

86 Winter AK, Lambert B, Klein D et al. Feasibility of measles and rubella vaccination programmes for disease elimination: a modeling study. Lancet Glob Health 2022; 10(10).

87 CDC. Measles. Dec 19, 2019.

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15 Responses to "Measles Truth & Consequences"
Commenter Name
Jill Herendeen
Posted: 3/1/2024 9:53:56 AM
...not to mention the fact that nobody yet has scientifically proven measles, or any other pathogenic virus, to exist, & that the supreme court in Germany acknowledged this in 2015. See wissenschafftplus.de
Commenter Name
David CaubleDC
Posted: 3/1/2024 10:08:20 AM
Great,well referenced article. In 88 , a colleague and I flew back to DC and xeroxed a lot of the Senate subcommittee testimony that led to The Act.
Commenter Name
cheryl hobson
Posted: 3/1/2024 10:10:03 AM
Great article. I am one of the lucky ones born before 1957. i do NOT do any vaccine and at 71 years old don't get sick
Commenter Name
Janet Carlson
Posted: 3/1/2024 11:25:09 AM
We also know that individuals receiving the “live” vaccines (measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, rotavirus, and oral polio) “shed” them for weeks afterward, and are contagious to family members, friends, and close contacts. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-jig-is-up/
Commenter Name
Esther Cook
Posted: 3/1/2024 12:25:00 PM
The 1986 law removing liability from vax mfrs goes far, far beyond encouraging sloppy manufacturing and tests. Money has FORCE comparable to trying to stop an oncoming freight train by standing in front of it to push it with your bare hands. It is NOT merely greed, but a matter of which companies survive at all. The law GUARANTEED with immense force that there will be more and more jabs that are less and less safe until one comes along that is so deadly that the majority wakes up. There will be no fixing it after that-vaccines will totally cease to exist. COVID modRNA jabs did not do it. They killed 17 million people worldwide, Dec2023 estimate, but there are 8 billion people world wide, about 5 billion jabbed. So about 3 deaths per thousand jabbed. The small increase in "vaccine hesitancy" is being met by increased propaganda, censorship and force. So there will be a worse one and worse until most people face reality. Keep on working--it will bring that day closer and reduce the total deaths that have to happen.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/1/2024 12:26:23 PM
I was born in France in 1965, and along with my brother and sister got pretty much all the once accepted natural childhood diseases with little to no symptoms, and thankfully passed the antibodies to measles at least to my daughter born in 1989 (who did not get the MMR vaccine). We are staying away from any vaccines.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/1/2024 2:29:31 PM
When I was a kid (born in 1950), virtually EVERY kid got measles, mumps, and chickenpox (rubella didn’t seem to be as common). When a kid got one of those mild diseases, it was no big deal. You’d stay home from school for a few days, and that was it. I NEVER heard of a single child being seriously, let alone dying. IT JUST DIDN’T HAPPEN. In fact, it was fairly common for parents to deliberately expose their kids to those mild diseases “to get it over with and give them lifelong immunity.” They knew that those diseases were VERY mild in virtually all children, but could be more troublesome in adults who hadn’t gotten immunity when they were kids. The profit interests of pharma have created a marketing campaign for vaccines based on the false fear porn that measles is deadly to kids. The captured regulatory agencies have aided and abetted this fraud.
Commenter Name
Ruby Land
Posted: 3/1/2024 3:05:38 PM
Your site has been a breath of fresh air with the information you provide. I only wish I had the knowledge years ago so I could have protected my children more.
Commenter Name
Darby O'Gill
Posted: 3/1/2024 3:37:44 PM
It goes on and on.The Media is married to the pharmaceutical firms and as a happy-couple, they continue to lie about the lies that they lied about. Over and over and over..............................................
Commenter Name
Mary Rose Garon
Posted: 3/1/2024 5:48:27 PM
My history: Born 1934, on an Island in Canada. Lived on small family farm.Raised cows, for milk and butter as well as beef; pigs for pork, hens for eggs and chicken; a horse for transportation: wagon in summer, sleigh in winter. The horse was also used for different equipment for planting and harvesting. I was the third child in a family of five. All were born at home. Sometimes the Doctor was there to attend the delivery, sometimes not. All attended the one room school until the ninth grade. Then moved to the city for higher education. The usual childhood diseases, measles, mumps and whooping cough came and went. No vaccines. Nobody died. The name 'pediatrician' was unheard of. The nearest family doctor was twelve miles away. Snowplows were yet to be invented. The first of the five to die ,was 80 years old, all the rest are still living. My personal opinion, is frankly, that the entire medical industry /system could use an intense review. Question: Are Doctors still taking the Hippocratic oath? I believe it begins with ,FIRST DO NO HARM.
Commenter Name
Wanda Whaley
Posted: 3/2/2024 9:23:10 PM
Thanks for this information, I am 79 years old and never had vaccines or taken medications. I grew up on a farm, still live on a farm and I am very healthy.
Commenter Name
Posted: 3/3/2024 6:36:10 PM
Dr. Lanka: “With the Supreme Court judgment in the measles virus trial any national and international statements on the alleged measles virus, the infectivity of measles, and on the benefit and safety of vaccination against measles, are since then of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.” 2016 https://learninggnm.com/SBS/documents/virus-trial.html Official evidence: Viruses do not exist. May 2023 https://www.bitchute.com/video/9V7QWmMFrh6G/ https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/cdc-has-no-scientific-evidence-that https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/cdc-now-admits-no-gold-standard-for-the-isolation-for-any-virus
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fernande bourque
Posted: 3/15/2024 12:30:39 PM
J ai eue la rougeiole et ont étais confinés dans nos chambres 10 jours et sans lumiere pour pas devenir aveugles et j ai été vacciné pour toute le maladies d enfance je vois pas trop quel bien sa apporte ont a toujours dis que le corps humain n est pas fais pour etre médicamenté encore des couts d argents sa fais 4 ans quje j ai arreté tout médicaments a l exception de 3 car j ai fais des recherchent sur ce qu ont me donnaient vraiment pas bon du tout je vais beaucouop mieux et fais plus d urgence d hopitaux en ambulance merci de vos aides
Commenter Name
Posted: 5/14/2024 9:18:23 PM
Jill Herendeen over here saying "...not to mention the fact that nobody yet has scientifically proven measles, or any other pathogenic virus, to exist, & that the supreme court in Germany acknowledged this in 2015. See wissenschafftplus.de" Bruh
Commenter Name
Sonia Hvozdulycz
Posted: 5/15/2024 6:11:33 AM
Oh, for heaven's sake. Measles and other acute syndromes are not even a disease. They are a cleanout, and you are better off for having had them. If you are "immune" it is because much toxicity has been removed from your body by your symptoms (coughing, fever, chills, rashes, (in the case of measles), all-over suffering, extreme fatigue, sleepiness, , etc.) and not because of some magical "antibodies". When oh when will society as a whole come to understand that these acute syndromes are built into us by our Creator so that we may keep on living? It seems as if even some writers of anti-vaccine books don't grasp this.
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